Law Firm Services
Legal Service Offerings and Marketing
Unbiased Consulting helps law firms ideate, develop and package traditional services in new ways, focusing on both the law department and corporate lines-of-business buyers. To support both new and traditional services offerings, Unbiased also helps develop your marketing programs and provides training, coaching, and mentoring services to improve lawyer business development skills and execution to support firm and practice revenue and profit growth.
Legal Service Offerings
Law firms are closely evaluating their clients’ business needs and expanding and reimagining their traditional services. They are demonstrating their commitment to provide more value, offer more complete solutions to clients’ business opportunities and challenges, and tap new sources of revenue.
With trusted client relationships and exposure to clients in their time of need, firms are well-positioned to increase their overall share of clients spend. However, there are many critical decisions required to properly develop, launch, and grow services that have higher impact on clients’ outcomes.
Unbiased has helped top-tier law firms envision, develop, and launch market offerings in areas such as Cyber Risk Services, Financial Regulatory Compliance, and Strategic Communications. We have helped law firms develop alternative service delivery models and realize greater value from litigation and acquisition activities.
Each law firm is subject to its unique competitive forces, competition for talent, and client expectations so that our approach is customized to a firm’s market position. We employ a methodology for asking the critical questions to make the right decisions to properly structure a new offering. Then, our project management capabilities enable us to take your offering from vision to launch. As senior advisors in the legal market, Unbiased brings a wealth of first-hand experience to help your firm grow in new directions.
Marketing Planning
Unbiased’s consultants help you to deliver marketing and business plans to support your firm and practice goals. These plans focus on your revenue and profit growth and how to achieve it. Marketing plans support business development by outlining those initiatives that your firm will execute to market your services to the corporate legal market as well as to corporate lines of business. Our consultants can help you to define your marketing and business development initiatives, the tasks required to achieve your marketing and business development objectives, the resources required to accomplish, task ownership, target dates for completion, required deliverables, etc.
These actionable plans make the difference between achieving your revenue objectives and spinning your wheels without making progress.